Nerdcore Rising: An Interview with Nerdcore Rappers MC Lars and Mega Ran

The Mount Nerdcore Tour is officially wrapped up, but Great Scott got a chance to sit down with two of the performers, MC Lars and Mega Ran, to talk about the tour, their careers, and their upcoming album, The Dewey Decibel System. Read the interview, and a review of the album, right here!

A Look at (and Listen to) Weird Al’s 14 Best Original Songs

We take a look at 14 of the world's premier parodist's original songs in honor of his 59th birthday…because five plus nine equals…eh, never...

Spark! After Dark | Finding Your Creative Spark

  When you think of art, you might think of museum paintings, public sculptures, or even performers wearing gold jumpsuits and squawking like birds (yes,...

Inside the Crowd | Life is Beautiful 2017

The 2017 Las Vegas Music Festival, Life is Beautiful, happened just a week before the shooting that has taken over the news. With rumors...

A Look At DECADENCE 2016

Photos taken at Decadence 2016 by: Thomas Int-Hout All rights reserved. Please visit our Flickr page for more photos of events we cover! Click on any image to open gallery.

Interview: Mega Ran | Taiyou Con 2016

  Geek News Network interviews Mega Ran at Taiyou Con 2016. Mega Ran is a rap artist who takes much inspiration from gaming and his own...
lotus juice

Interview: Lotus Juice | Taiyou Con 2016

Geek News Network interviews Lotus Juice at Taiyou Con 2016. Lotus Juice is a rap artist most notably known for his impact on the...


Throughout the country Arts Education is continually being cut in favor of core curriculum - English, Math, Social Studies, Science - and music education...

An interview with Metal Gear Solid composer Rika Muranaka

From electronic keyboards to composing for best-selling video games, Rika Muranaka has done quite a bit in her music career over the past few...

Nerds and Weeaboos Are Making Great Music

Now a day, everyone is an artist. Personally, I think that is a great thing. It allows for so many people to spread creativity...

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