In this installment of the 12 PACK, Neil and James get a little help from their friend, Ryan Cleveland, from Pop Culture Paradise for...


In this installment of The 12 Pack, our friend Jared Bernal of Blu-Ray Rewind and Low Rent Radio joins us as an official "fill-in...

Top 11 Bad Ideas from Science Fiction

Science fiction is a genre of ideas, exploring how one new creation could affect the future. Unfortunately, not all of these ideas are good...

12-Pack: Pro Blowno

In this episode of the 12-Pack: There's a new Doc on the block; find out 'who' that is.  (Ha, get it?) How is CW...


"12-Pack: Unipooper" is now available. In this week's 12-Pack: Superman vs. Batman? Batman vs. Superman? Superbat vs. Manman? What the fuck is SyFy up to? And just who is the...


Time to catch up on your geek news with another nerdilcious 12 PACK! "12 PACK: Starboob" is now available! In this week's 12-Pack, the 3 Drunk...

Bielefeld Does Not Exist?

Do you known anyone from Bielefeld? Have you ever been to Bielefeld? Do you know anyone who’s ever been to Bielefeld? The city of Bielefeld is allegedly...

3DG -12-Pack: Nerd Blackface

In this week's totally far-too-drunk 12 PACK collabo with the gents from Beers, Beers & Bastards: -Bale denies a Justice League appearance; -Someone wants to make...

12 PACK: “Do It With Your Mouth”

In this week's 12-Pack: --No Mary Jane, no Will Smith, a White Shredder and more in this week's casting roundup. --Terminator 5 details: things might get...

12 Pack: Priceless Bullshit

It's time for a weekly nerd news roundup! It's time to crack open another 12 PACK! In this episode of the 12-Pack: "Priceless Bullshit"... -Tony Stark...

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