Top 11 Better Sharknado Sequel Titles
Although there are many sequels and reboots coming out this summer, easily the most anticipated one of the summer is the next Sharknado film....
GEEK MOM – Rock-A-Bums New 2.0 #RockItUp Giveaway
Rock-A-Bums isn’t your normal, every day cloth diaper. Yes, it will still do what cloth diapers are meant to do, but Rock-A-Bums is a...
GEEK MOM – Getting Started With Cloth Diapering
As a geek, a big part of my life revolves around not only loving geek culture, but spending a lot of money on it....
GEEK MOM – Geekiest Cloth Diapers
What will really kill any cloth diaper budget are super cute fluff designs. Once you have your stash all built up, staring at the...
Top 11 Comic Book Reality Shows
I don't care much for reality shows, mostly because I don't care much for reality. However, if TV producers could eliminate all of that...
Prepare for Watch_Dogs on May 27th
As we all know, Watch_Dogs was originally supposed to launch during the holidays in 2013. Then there came the heartbreaking announcement that Ubisoft would...
Geek Mom (To-Be)
First comes love of Star Wars, the comes Mario Kart Marriage, then comes Geek baby.
After years of geek love with the man that makes...
Geek Baby Nursery Inspiration
One of the funniest parts about being a geek is all the cool swag and collecting of awesome items and gadgets. Pair this love...
11 New “Which One Are You” Quizzes?
The Internet has been hit by a new plague; not a computer virus, but something far more insidious. They are called "Which one are...
11 New Olympic Events for Metahumans
The Olympics are upon us, a bi-annual event that allows us to watch the best specimens of humanity compete in athletic competition. Unfortunately, humanity...