A Look at Phoenix FearCon V
Scottsdale, AZ - Phoenix FearCon V occurred at the Ultra Star Cinemas in Scottsdale this Saturday, bringing terror and dismay to this otherwise ordinary suburb. The FearCon...
Great Stories
Some stories are just GREAT STORIES. Themes transcend time and position and place and age... Boy meets Girl stories are great for many people. Then there's good...
Frozen Prospects, by Dean Murray: A Review
Frozen Prospects, by Dean Murray made me very happy. It was just a great story. I also felt an akinness to the author when I read...
Top 11 Geek Death Scenes
Last week, the cast of The Comic Book Insider died in a tragic explosion. While we await their respawn, let's discuss the top deaths...
Because I Miss the 90’s – Part 1
It’s hard to believe the 1990’s were over 20 years ago. Not only because it makes me feel old (I’m not, but I still...
Top 11 Villains Too Powerful for the Doctor
During his nearly 50 years of travelling through time and space, Doctor Who has encountered all manner of frightening creatures, but there are some...
A Look at Keen Halloween 2012
It's October, and that can only mean one thing: Halloween is almost upon us. This year, Halloween is getting a head start with Keen...
Let’s Meet Local Artist Suzy Almblade
A graduate of the University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Suzy has collaborated with photographers, worked as concept artist on the...
Top 11 Comic Characters That Should Not Be Movies
Comic book movies are a hot ticket item these days, and everyone in Hollywood is scrambling to get one into production. However, not...
AZ Pop Culture Experience Avengers DVD pre-release party
Yesterday, I fired up my warp drives and headed out to the farthest reaches of the galaxy (aka Desert Ride Marketplace) to check out...