Home Topics Books/Comics GEEK MOM – Review: The Baby Owner’s Manual

GEEK MOM – Review: The Baby Owner’s Manual


The only parenting book you will ever need!

The Internet freaks me out! Don’t get me wrong; I love being able to find any piece of information, staying connected through social media and of course online streaming. But when you are pregnant with your first kid, trying to sort through all the information can be just as complicated as trying to get San Diego Comic Con tickets.

This lead to my husband’s ban on the Internet. He basically forbade me from going online to research, read stories, and learn just about anything I would need to know about bringing a person into the world. It was easier than I thought, until my best friend, who was having a baby four months ahead of me, started talking about all these things I didn’t know about. I increasingly started to feel more and more panicked about what I did or didn’t know.

Then I got one of the greatest baby shower gifts ever: The Baby Owner’s Manual! Written by Louis Borgenicht, M.D. and Joe Borgenicht, D.A.D. these two were able to not only ease my mind with wonderful, sometimes obvious and straightforward information, but they were able to in a hilarious way.

baby owners manualThis book reads like any technology owner’s manual with each part labeled accordingly. Your baby is referred to as “the unit”, the parents are referred to as “the owners”, and your doctor is referred to as your “service provider.” There are easy to follow diagrams, step-by-step instructions, and funny (yet obvious) tips, like “accessories” that are not included.

There is a reference guide, charts for keeping track of sleeping and bowel functions; there’s even 24-hour technical support online. This book reads easily and is designed to be a great reference when you’re actually dealing with your “unit”. The information is laid out and easy to understand, with no frustrating Google searches or reading through forum after forum, thus getting yourself all worked up.

I can honestly say that my geeky heart wouldn’t know anything about caring for a baby without this book. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants the facts and how-to’s for taking care of your baby.

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