A Look Ahead at Anime Expo 2016

anime expo, ax2016, convention, cosplay, event news

With Con-Season about to come into full swing, let’s all jump aboard the hype train that is barreling towards this year’s Anime Expo.

Anime Expo is one of my favorite conventions of the year. Based in the heart of Los Angeles at the Los Angeles Convention center, walking up to the front entrance and seeing the huge Anime Expo welcome sign in the LA sunshine is the best and most inviting sight to see.

Last year was my first AX and ever since then, I have vowed to try and return every year. With so much going on, it is hard to get into words why it is so perfect. First off, the actual con hall. Walking into the main entrance you are met with an abundance of amazing things: the cosplay, the people, and the huge replica anime characters. It makes you want to stop dead in your tracks and take it all in but you know you have to make it to the real beast, the vender hall. This is one of my favorite parts of AX and that is because every booth is something interesting. Not to mention the size of the hall! You could walk through every day of AX and always find something new and interesting.

I personally think there is one other thing that makes Anime Expo stand out from the rest and that is the people, more specifically the cosplayers. I don’t know what it is about AX but everyone brings out their A-Game here. You see some of the most talented cosplays here. One of the really unique things that I think is so great is that although this is an anime convention, you see all different types of cosplay ranging from video games, Disney, comics, and of course anime and manga. Additionally people are so happy to be in their cosplays at AX. Everyone is excited to either be showing off their excellent craftsmanship or just share the experience of a fandom with thousands of other people.

With how much is put into Anime Expo every year, I can hardly wait to see what they have in store this year. Get your badges today!!

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