Nostalgia, or Something About the Physicality, or Maybe Just the Smell, of REAL Books

books, kindle, real booksI have long been a lover of books. Long before the idea to write my own, and what definitely incited this desire, was my time spent in the pages of imagination. Loving to re-read stories that whisked me away, I became an amateur book collector. Even when my apartments were void of furniture, I had my book cases full of bound paper containing near and far magical realms. There was even a time I fell behind on rent because of my inability to say no to adding to this collection.

Then dawned the e-book era. My first Kindle, the second best present ever (the first being the electric blanket I received a few winters ago), changed everything. More and more I found myself wirelessly, electronically, snatching worlds from the purgatory of space; less and less did I wander to the shelves of books filled with their wonderful smells and textures. Only those books that added to my collection were worth buying in a physical form. My electronic library quickly out numbered the physical one.

Today, I happened to stumble across those forgotten shelves, where books I haven’t read sit in sadness. As I opened one of them to enjoy, I was instantly hit with a mildish nostalgia; my fingers happy to feel smooth, heavy paper of the mass market publication I’d chosen to read. I may be re-visiting some old friends very soon; revisiting a more quiet, restful time of curling up in a corner with a the smell of a great book in my hand. The electronic formatting has yet to illicit that same peace…


Check out more from Cynthi at her blog or her website

books, kindle, real books

My first, and greatest love was always books, which turned into writing early on. Then came movies. Games didn’t enter my life until PS2 came out. I tend to stay away from games as they suck my world into oblivion. I stop sleeping. I stop paying attention to everything else when I get into them, though I break this for Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Gears, and FF. Recently entering the amateur indie film scene, Stealing Shade Productions ( was born. I’m also working on a comic book ( and 2 novels. There are bets on whether these will get finished Find me on Facebook or check out my alter ego at

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