Best Comic Book Covers of 2012

Hello Comic Book Fandom! 2012 has been filled with lots of great comic books and some were only worth the cover art alone. We came up...

STAN LEE Coming to Amazing Arizona Comic Con 2013!

Jim Lee was first announced a couple of weeks ago but today the folks at Amazing Arizona Comic Con announced that legendary comic book creator...

10 Comic Books to Check Out This Week: 12/19/12

Hello Comic Book Fandom! Jiminy Crickets, There is so many great comic books coming out this week. I feel the hole burning in my wallet...

The Oatmeal Can’t Catch a Break

It seems the Oatmeal just can’t catch a break.   Matthew Inman, author of the popular blog/webcomic/internet phenomenon has recently come under attack for a...

10 Comic Books to Check Out This Week: 12/12/12

Hello Comic Book Fandom! Couple of things to highlight for this week: New Man of Steel trailer, Star Trek Into Darkness trailer was pure epicness,...

Neal-freaking-Adams Coming to Phoenix Comicon 2013!

The folks over at Phoenix Comicon are setting a nice guest list for 2013. First they announced the cast members from Babylon 5, Mike Mignola, Greg...

Rockstar Artist Greg Capullo Coming to Phoenix Comicon 2013!

Comic book artist Greg Capullo will be at Phoenix Comicon 2013! Greg Capullo, best known for his work on Spawn, is currently over at DC...

Mike Mignola Coming to Phoenix Comicon 2013!

The fine folks over at Phoenix Comicon will be releasing information all week on special guests, but today they announced a big one. Mike Mignola (creator of...

10 Comic Books to Check Out This Week: 12/05/12

Hello Comic Book Fandom! Lots of great things have happened this week. The mid-season finale of The Walking Dead was epic, New Star Trek Into...

10 Comic Books to Check Out This Week: 11/28/12

Hello Comic Book Fandom! How was everyone's Black Friday? I spent most of the day working but after work I got to shoot down to...

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