Top 11 Upcoming Marvel Films

Kevin Feige, the head honcho for the Marvel movies over at Disney, revealed that Marvel has a roadmap for their film universe through 2028....

Top 11 Star Wars VII Reveals

In the last month, JJ Abrams has made a series of press releases about the upcoming Star Wars VII. Most of the uproar was...

11 More Unnecessary TV Series Reboots

NBC has announced that it is rebooting the show "Heroes" with a new miniseries. That sounds like a really bad idea, but here are...

Top 11 Cosmos Spoilers

Neil deGrasse Tyson's re-imagining of Carl Sagan's beloved Cosmos television event is well underway, but there are still plenty of surprises in store. 11. The...

Top 11 Better Sharknado Sequel Titles

  Although there are many sequels and reboots coming out this summer, easily the most anticipated one of the summer is the next Sharknado film....

Top 11 Comic Book Reality Shows

I don't care much for reality shows, mostly because I don't care much for reality. However, if TV producers could eliminate all of that...

11 New “Which One Are You” Quizzes?

The Internet has been hit by a new plague; not a computer virus, but something far more insidious. They are called "Which one are...

11 New Olympic Events for Metahumans

The Olympics are upon us, a bi-annual event that allows us to watch the best specimens of humanity compete in athletic competition. Unfortunately, humanity...

11 Teams Better than the Broncos

The Superbowl happened last Sunday. For my nerdier friends, the Superbowl is an annual event that represents the championship match between the top football...

Top 11 Rejected Spider-Man Villains

Spider-Man has one of the greatest rogue's galleries in comic books, second only to Batman's. However, to keep up this level of quality, several...

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