Con-Nichiwa 2013

Tucson, AZ - Con-Nichiwa is an anime centered convention that is located in Tucson Arizona, at the Holiday Inn, near the Tucson Airport, running March...
Pikachu 3DS XL

Pikachu 3DS XL Coming to North America

It looks like the time has finally come for the Pikachu 3DS XL to make its way over to North America. The vibrant yellow...

Voyage Trekkers Season 2 Trailer!

Phoenix, AZ - Voyage Trekkers, the hilarious sci-fi comedy web series about the worst crew in the galaxy, returns for a second season on...

Raven Confirmed For ‘Injustice: Gods Among Us’

Raven is now confirmed as a playable characters in “Injustice: Gods Among Us.” Raven was originally seen in a trailer a few months back,...

Tankbread, by Paul Mannering: A Review

I am not as crazy a zombie fan as seems to be the fad these days, but I did like the idea of a...
Yes, probably just like this.

Ukranian Navy Dolphins on the Loose

It seems that several Ukrainian-trained attack dolphins have escaped from their base (port?) in Sevastopol. According to an article from the English-language page of the...

Blackest Night Invades ‘Injustice: Gods Among Us’

NetherRealm Studios and WB Games ‘Injustice: Gods Among Us’ is getting closer and closer to the launch date here in the states and the...

Nintendo Found Liable for Patent Infringement Related to 3DS

Kotaku is reporting that a New York federal jury has ruled in favor of inventor Seijiro Tomita in a claim that Nintendo's glasses-free 3D...

Doomsday Added As Playable Character In ‘Injustice: Gods Amoug Us’

Injustice: Gods Among Us by NetherRealm Studio's is only a couple of weeks away but that doesn't stop them from adding new characters to the...

10 Comic Books Worth Checking Out This Week (03/13/2013)

Hello Comic Book Fandom! Each week Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Image Comics, Dark Horse Comics, IDW Publishing, BOOM! Studios, and others release comic books every...

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