Wild Wild West Convention 2013: Day One

  A temperamental grey sky ushered in the first day of the second Wild Wild West Steampunk Convention, and like many others, my arrival was delayed due...
ME3 Citadel Header

Mass Effect 3: Citadel (Review)

The end of our journey has come at last. The final DLC for Mass Effect 3 released earlier this week and even after three...

Best Comic Book Covers Ever (This Week) – 03/06/13

Hello Comic Book Fandom! Every Wednesday, the comic book gods (aka Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc.) deliver comic books to local comic book shops everywhere. So,...

“Dead Man Down” Movie Review

What is Dead Man Down? Normally, at some point in the movie the title makes sense, either literally or metaphorically. After watching Dead Man...

“Emperor” Movie Review

On August 6, 1945 one of the most awe-inspiring, and truly horrific events in the history of man occurred, the dropping of the atomic...

Phoenix Film Festival Announcement!

  Phoenix, AZ –  The 2013 Phoenix Film Festival has announced more  films scheduled to be included in this Festival’s film lineup. This lineup features the...


    IN THEATERS , REAL D 3D AND DIGITAL 3D MARCH 28, 2013 In this sequel, the G.I. Joes are not only fighting their mortal enemy Cobra;...

Tomb Raider Review

Crystal Dynamics has reintroduced Tomb Raider to the world in a new and invigorating way with this newest installment to the franchise. This reboot...
Deadpool The Game - Rocket

Deadpool: The Game’s Juvenile But Awesome Trailer

Deadpool is a character unlike any other character in Marvel comics. The Merc with a Mouth has made a name for himself over the...

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Capitol Portraits

The Capitol Couture site debuted in January 2012, and is "run" by the Capitol. It has kicked off the "Catching Fire" excitement with the Capitol Portraits—prior...

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