Top 11 Upcoming Comicbook Shows on Cable

Over the last week, the major networks have announced six new comic book related shows coming in the Fall. Not to be outdone, the...

Top 11 Things Not to Say While Watching Blade Runner

I attended the AZ Cult Classics screening of Blade Runner last week. This film is a science fiction classic, and if you have not...

Top 11 Upcoming Marvel Films

Kevin Feige, the head honcho for the Marvel movies over at Disney, revealed that Marvel has a roadmap for their film universe through 2028....

Top 11 Star Wars VII Reveals

In the last month, JJ Abrams has made a series of press releases about the upcoming Star Wars VII. Most of the uproar was...

11 More Unnecessary TV Series Reboots

NBC has announced that it is rebooting the show "Heroes" with a new miniseries. That sounds like a really bad idea, but here are...

Board Games are getting more inclusive!

Hey everyone! Sorry for the absence, a lot of stuff has happened that knocked me back just a bit, but I am back and...

Top 11 Cosmos Spoilers

Neil deGrasse Tyson's re-imagining of Carl Sagan's beloved Cosmos television event is well underway, but there are still plenty of surprises in store. 11. The...

[DIY] Breastfeeding Scarf

While pinning away DIY projects on Pinterest I came across a DIY Breastfeeding Scarf Tutorial and knew that I had to make it instead of purchasing...

Geeky Infant Photography

Babies are cute, we all know this. However, only a truly geeky parent really knows how to not only make cute babies, but that...

GEEK MOM – Review: The Baby Owner’s Manual

The only parenting book you will ever need! The Internet freaks me out! Don’t get me wrong; I love being able to find any piece...

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