DC Collects The History of Wonder Woman

My history with Wonder Woman has been long and fruitful. Since I was a kid watching “Super Friends” on Saturday mornings, I evolved into...

SHERLOCK HOLMES: The Thinking Engine | A Review

I’m a Sherlock Holmes fan. I read the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories growing up and was a big fan of the films...

KING | A New Comic Series to Rule Them All

From the writer of THE BUNKER and the artists of GREEN LANTERN CORPS and BATMAN BEYOND, KING is an action/comedy about the last man...

HELLBOY IN HELL # 7 | A Review

Hellboy was dead, to begin with. There is no doubt that Hellboy was dead. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come...

This is the Age of Conan and Red Sonja Collection

SOME LIGHT SPOILERS AHEAD! READ WITH CAUTION! Red Sonja has always been a favorite character of mine. She’s a badass warrior woman, who takes no...

POWER UP | An Adorable New Entry to the Magical Girl Arena

What do three people and a goldfish have in common? Nothing, except the fact that they all witnessed a bright flash of light before...

The Banished of Muirwood | REM Cycle to Reality

At the end of every book, there should be a lingering thought burning in the back of the reader’s mind. As I finished reading...

5 Obscure Fantasy Novels/Series You Shouldn’t Miss!

When I started this I had a list of almost fifty different fantasy novels all written out and ready to go and why you...

FORAGER | Bound to Succeed!

Jimmy Palmiotti (Daredevil: Dark Nights, 21 Down, Trigger Girl 6, Monolith) and Justin Gray (Power Girl, 21 Down, Marvel Adventures) have done it again...

The Paleoart of Julius Csotonyi: Book Review

Do you like dinosaurs? Of course you do. What kind of geek doesn’t like dinosaurs?! If you’re a dinogeek like me you’ll definitely enjoy The...

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