Featured Cosplayer: Leah Rose

One of our featured photographers, Eric Fiallos, had the wonderful opportunity to interview and do an exclusive photoshoot with Leah Rose while at Amazing...

Book Review: John Dies at the End

I admit it, I broke the rule.  I saw the movie, then read the book. The adaptation's admittedly pretty brilliant, but it spoils quite a...

‘The Last of Us’ Development Diary: Episode 2 – Wasteland Beautiful

Naughty Dog's "The Last of Us" isn't coming out for another two months, however, the game developer is releasing video diary's focusing on the creative...

10 Comic Books Worth Checking Out This Week (04/10/2013)

Hello Comic Book Fandom: Each week Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Image Comics, Dark Horse Comics, IDW Publishing, BOOM! Studios, and others release comic books every...

A Look Inside “Nick Cardy: The Artist at War”

Nick Cardy is one of the most prolific comic book artists to ever grace the medium. He has drawn for many publications but most...

‘Injustice: Gods Among Us’ Battle Arena Enters Final Round; Superman vs. Batman, Who Will...

NetherRealm Studios "Injustice: Gods Among Us" is only a couple of days away from release (sweet!) and Battle Arena is now in the final...

First look at “Elysium”

  About the movie: In the year 2159, two classes of people exist: the very wealthy, who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium,...


Valley director wins Best Documentary for Los Wild Ones  PHOENIX, AZ (April 9, 2013) –  The 13th Annual Phoenix Film Festival, presented by Cox Communications, reached its climax...

Book Review: Big Brain

Big Brain: The Origins and Future of Human Intelligence by Gary Lynch and Richard Granger is an unfortunate read. The book explores an important question...

“Plague Nation” Book Review

Zombies. Secret paramilitary organizations. Pop-culture references. Cute and realistic love stories. If you dig at least one of those things, then boy do I...

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